Since many years as favorable weather and regular yield for Horticulture crop and less yield from paddy crop, the farmer’s diversified their crop pattern heavily. Thus paddy cultivated area decline in our area. How ever society has made arrangement with Gandevi taluka khedut sahakari sangh ltd. Gandevi for paddy business. As very low volume of paddy business, societies from Gandevi taluka joined the hand with taluka union and enjoying the scale of economy. Usually in Gandevi taluka there are very few varieties of paddy like Jaya, Gurjari, which is mainly used for Poha and Murmara and Masuri, Gujarat 3-81-3 varieties are used for rice. The Taluka union arranges the all marketing practices of paddy at pooling base and distributed the amount (Net of expenses) to the cooperative Societies and Societies are distributing it to farmers. |